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Project Management

Project Management

Project Management

Project Management

Project Management

Monitor and Tracking of Deliverables
On-time deliverables and milestones during projects are crucial to a project’s success. To ensure project success, Kog Project Managers drive projects with comprehensive Project Plans created even before the Kickoff Meeting. The project plan outlines key tasks, milestones, dependencies, and durations.
Stakeholder Management
Kog Project Managers understand that the project is only successful when stakeholders are satisfied. Kog Project Managers ensure their satisfaction through a Project Methodology which includes a task in our Plan Phase to engage with key client project team members to discuss stakeholders as a stand alone item and gain an understanding of who the project stakeholders are from Day 1 and what their expectations are.
Project Communication Approach
Communication is essential and this is why Kog Project Managers lead the communication during the entire project from pre-planning meetings to stabilization between client, our Kog consultants, and any external partners or third party vendors to execute the project scope.
Scope Management
The scope definition is the foundation of the project and drives all other elements forward. The team needs to know what we are doing first and foremost before addressing other key project elements like the Project Plan, or defining Stakeholder engagement, so we can avoid the need to readjust down the line.
Issue Management and Escalation Approach
Kog Project Managers are experienced, have lived through project issues, and understand that once they arise, we need to quickly and effectively mobilize to resolve them.
Change Order Management
Kognitiv is founded on transparency which translates to how we approach change order management. Our extensive Workday and project management experience ensures thorough initial scoping to ensure accurate estimates for the base scope to avoid any Kognitiv or third party vendor change orders without any actual project changes.
Risk Management
We work to manage risks by proactively identifying them, communicating them to the appropriate stakeholders, and addressing them during each phase of the project. Kog Project Managers are their clients’ partners and advocates throughout the mitigation and resolution process.


Act Like An Owner
This is a Core Value at Kognitiv, and Kog Project Managers conduct their projects with this at the core of all they do.
Communication is Key
Kog Project Managers drive engagement and productivity through constant communication, via the right means.
Documentation is Empowerment
Proper documentation is what allows us to empower our clients. This dedication to documentation enables our clients to manage and maintain their system even after the project is completed.
Repeated Methodology Founded in Experience
Kog Project Managers and Consultants have lived and breathed Workday. We’ve been there, we’ve done that, and if we haven’t, we’ve got the experience and resources to figure it out.
Transparency is Trust
When you Act Like an Owner, you are transparent in all you do, because that way your knowledge and competence is clear, issues and their resolutions surface naturally, and trust is easily established and maintained.


Act Like An Owner
This is a Core Value at Kognitiv, and Kog Project Managers conduct their projects with this at the core of all they do.
Communication is Key
Kog Project Managers drive engagement and productivity through constant communication, via the right means.
Documentation is Empowerment
Proper documentation is what allows us to empower our clients. This dedication to documentation enables our clients to manage and maintain their system even after the project is completed.
Repeated Methodology Founded in Experience
Kog Project Managers and Consultants have lived and breathed Workday. We’ve been there, we’ve done that, and if we haven’t, we’ve got the experience and resources to figure it out.
Transparency is Trust
When you Act Like an Owner, you are transparent in all you do, because that way your knowledge and competence is clear, issues and their resolutions surface naturally, and trust is easily established and maintained.


Whether one functional area, or a review of all existing areas, Kognitiv can tailor a review and recommend to your needs. We have seen hundreds of Workday tenants at all stages of deployment, and we understand what configuration works and what features are the best to implement for your unique instance. With constant releases and patches, many different hands in the system, and years of maintaining Workday, it always pays off to have an architect conduct a review and advise a plan for improvements.

Meeting to Gather Pain Points
Every Workday user in the ecosystem has something they wish they could change. Whether it fell down the priority list or is a system limitation, there are some pain points. That is where we start, and use this list to start our audit off in the right direction.
First Audit
We will complete a first pass through the configuration of the tenant, focusing on configuration that may not be leading practice, scalable, or may have negative, downstream impacts on other areas of the system. We also consider past releases and what new functionality may have been missed that could improve the module overall. Lastly, we focus on reporting and analytics and if you’re truly seeing an ROI on Workday’s analytic abilities.
Review and Questions
We then meet to discuss any outstanding questions from the first review - was there a reason x,y,z was set up in a particular way, was something else considered?
Final pass
With the initial review completed and questions answered, we will complete a final pass through the tenant to wrap up all review items and organize our recommendations.
We produce a physical deliverable, and review with the client, that outlines:
  1. What we noticed that needs updating or new features that we suggest uptaking. If it is an issue, we will outline why it is an issue and the possible problems it could cause
  2. The correct way to make the fix, level of effort, and skill set required
  3. The priority in which updates should be made and why it makes sense to tackle some items before others.



Whether one functional area, or a review of all existing areas, Kognitiv can tailor a review and recommend to your needs. We have seen hundreds of Workday tenants at all stages of deployment, and we understand what configuration works and what features are the best to implement for your unique instance. With constant releases and patches, many different hands in the system, and years of maintaining Workday, it always pays off to have an architect conduct a review and advise a plan for improvements.

Meeting to Gather Pain Points
Every Workday user in the ecosystem has something they wish they could change. Whether it fell down the priority list or is a system limitation, there are some pain points. That is where we start, and use this list to start our audit off in the right direction.
First Audit
We will complete a first pass through the configuration of the tenant, focusing on configuration that may not be leading practice, scalable, or may have negative, downstream impacts on other areas of the system. We also consider past releases and what new functionality may have been missed that could improve the module overall. Lastly, we focus on reporting and analytics and if you’re truly seeing an ROI on Workday’s analytic abilities.
Review and Questions
We then meet to discuss any outstanding questions from the first review - was there a reason x,y,z was set up in a particular way, was something else considered?
Final pass
With the initial review completed and questions answered, we will complete a final pass through the tenant to wrap up all review items and organize our recommendations.
We produce a physical deliverable, and review with the client, that outlines:
  1. What we noticed that needs updating or new features that we suggest uptaking. If it is an issue, we will outline why it is an issue and the possible problems it could cause
  2. The correct way to make the fix, level of effort, and skill set required
  3. The priority in which updates should be made and why it makes sense to tackle some items before others.


At Kognitiv, we understand that a strong security model is imperative for having a clean, operational system. We also understand that Workday security is not a set-it-and-forget-it module; with constant new functional areas, functionality, and multiplying domains, a continued way to see the status of your security is important. We offer a complete review of security and authentication across all functional areas of your system (HCM, FIN, Student) paired with consultant advisory and recommendations as well as executive level deliverables and custom reporting for increased security visibility and continued maintenance

The Key, High-Level areas we audit:
  • Authentication Setup and Weaknesses
  • Domain and Business Process Security Policies
  • Organizations and Role Assignments
  • General User Access to Tasks and Data
  • User Access Exceptions
  • Business Process Configuration and Historical Performance
  • Custom Report Catalog (including report sharing and exceptions)
  • Integration Security and Account Configuration
  • Background and Scheduled Future Processes
While we have encountered almost every issue imaginable, some examples of issues commonly identified
  • Security configuration with systemic issues causing process routing issues (unassigned tasks) and unwanted data exposure
  • Non-public items (reports, manager tasks) available publicly or to non-managers
  • No authentication enforcement for specific populations (back-end loopholes for Single Sign On or multi-factor authentication)
  • Non-essential Workday accounts available for login (potential for breach)
  • Scheduled Processes with errors preventing completion
Some final, specific details of the audit package
  • The package consists of over 20 custom reports that monitor and identify specific issues and non-best practice configuration
  • The audit is completed by a Workday Security Architect who performs the initial audit, reviews the findings, and recommends/helps prioritize solutions to issues found
  • All reports are built into a dashboard that can be reused in the future for ongoing monitoring and periodic audits



At Kognitiv, we understand that a strong security model is imperative for having a clean, operational system. We also understand that Workday security is not a set-it-and-forget-it module; with constant new functional areas, functionality, and multiplying domains, a continued way to see the status of your security is important. We offer a complete review of security and authentication across all functional areas of your system (HCM, FIN, Student) paired with consultant advisory and recommendations as well as executive level deliverables and custom reporting for increased security visibility and continued maintenance

The Key, High-Level areas we audit:
  • Authentication Setup and Weaknesses
  • Domain and Business Process Security Policies
  • Organizations and Role Assignments
  • General User Access to Tasks and Data
  • User Access Exceptions
  • Business Process Configuration and Historical Performance
  • Custom Report Catalog (including report sharing and exceptions)
  • Integration Security and Account Configuration
  • Background and Scheduled Future Processes
While we have encountered almost every issue imaginable, some examples of issues commonly identified
  • Security configuration with systemic issues causing process routing issues (unassigned tasks) and unwanted data exposure
  • Non-public items (reports, manager tasks) available publicly or to non-managers
  • No authentication enforcement for specific populations (back-end loopholes for Single Sign On or multi-factor authentication)
  • Non-essential Workday accounts available for login (potential for breach)
  • Scheduled Processes with errors preventing completion
Some final, specific details of the audit package
  • The package consists of over 20 custom reports that monitor and identify specific issues and non-best practice configuration
  • The audit is completed by a Workday Security Architect who performs the initial audit, reviews the findings, and recommends/helps prioritize solutions to issues found
  • All reports are built into a dashboard that can be reused in the future for ongoing monitoring and periodic audits
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